
Celebrating the Death of Opportunity

Let’s all pause for a moment to celebrate the life and death of Opportunity, the cobbled together go kart shipped to scout Mars in 2004. Designed to last 90 days it roamed for 15 years. My hero. The Odysseus of our age. Bards, fire up your lyres.

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How is Henry?

Google guesses on a search. Which means people want to know about quiet desperation AND that Henry David Thoreau is doing OK.


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Hello World

New web infrastructure

Hello World.

If you’re reading this you’re on my spectacular new website. I can say that because I didn’t design it, Adrienne Asher did.

I am lucky she agreed to do it and lucky she stuck with it. The process resembled an Adventure Quest, including a non-cooperative site host (not GoDaddy) and a major WordPress version upgrade, all of which she weathered with grace and skill.

Adrienne is a tremendously talented poet, painter and food blogger. All of her work deserves your attention and I encourage you to visit her stunning website here. My thanks to her for a wonderful job.


I’ll try not to screw it up.

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New Year, New Website

Here’s to welcome changes, both local and global.

This year will be bringing me a lot of new writing projects, readings, and events, but the first order of business was to create this new website. I worked with Adrienne Asher to create something clean, modern, and easy to navigate, and think it will serve me well.

To get updates on all things Kaye, just fill in the “sign up today” form—you’ll find it at the bottom of the right sidebar. Looking froward to keeping in touch—

photo: Robert P. Kaye, “Engines of tourism and commerce on the Seattle waterfront”

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